Recovery Tips After a Car Accident

Paul Hadley
06/10/201910th June, 2019
Filed under Car Topics

Injuries can range from minor to severe and not rear their ugly head until days after the incident occurred. Explore these car accident recovery tips before consulting a personal injury lawyer.

More than 2.35 million people in the U.S. are injured or even disabled in a car accident each year. Have you recently been in a car accident? It’s important you take care of yourself and help your body heal after an accident.

Injuries can range from minor to severe and not rear their ugly head until days after the incident occurred. Explore these car accident recovery tips.

Go to the Doctor

Even if you feel ok, you should be evaluated by a medical professional. Go to the hospital for a complete examination. Make sure you get all the documentation, so you know what you are dealing with and what steps to take for your recovery.

Make sure you fill any prescriptions as soon as possible, so they are on hand when you need them. Contact your loved ones for emotional support after everything has calmed down. You should also get a ride home from the hospital.

Watch for New Symptoms

A few medical issues may not appear immediately after the crash. Your body was running on adrenaline, and these symptoms may have gone unnoticed.

When you are at home, pay close attention to any other pain. Whiplash may not appear until a few days or even weeks after your accident, so watch for any dizziness, limited range of motion, stiff muscles, or vision problems. You should also monitor your mood for any anxiety or additional stress because you could also face emotional problems.

Take notes of any new symptoms, so you can discuss with your doctor. If you have new pain, you should go see your doctor to review any new conditions from your original exam.

Use Ice

It’s not uncommon to feel sore after an accident. Back pain and soreness are pretty common after an accident. Apply ice on your sore muscles for about 10-15 minutes multiple times a day to reduce inflammation. 

Take it Easy

You should get lots of rest even if your injuries are not severe. Make sure you move around to use your joints and muscles but don’t overdo it. Listen to your doctor and take off the recommended time from work to let your body heal.

Ease into Driving

You may be surprised about the emotional trauma as you get ready to drive again. You may find it stressful after an accident to drive, and several people experience PTSD after a car accident. This will get better over time. 

Discuss Details with Insurance Company or Attorney

Your insurance company will need details of your crash. This is why it’s important to take notes of all your injuries and keep all your medical bills together. You want to make sure you receive compensation for your vehicle damages and injuries.

Are you wondering when to hire a personal injury attorney? If you feel overwhelmed by the process, you should contact an attorney to help guide you through the process. 

Car Accident Recovery Final Thoughts

Being in a car accident is a scary and stressful time. Make sure you take care of yourself and listen to your doctor during your car accident recovery. You need to rest and let your body heal.

Wondering what foods you should eat while you recover? Check out this article with the best foods to eat to help you recover.

author avatar Written by Paul Hadley

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